Define Profit

To command and audience is to beg greed to come and destroy innocence. Similar to a healthy and contented man devising ways to end his life.  

Compromise will entertain humanity. Accolades will surely follow. Profit will come visit. And what was intended to be best among man quickly turns sour and destructive. It becomes a hint of truth, not the blazing, holy, Life filled words of God.  

I could earn money arranging words. A great many have. All they have to do is throw water on the fire. But what I write is freely given. None of it comes from me. And it is wise to fan the flames, not water them down.  

It would be like a salesman who is sent by a strong merchant to sell wares along the road, and as the people stop and purchase, the salesman puts the profit in his own pocket. When he returns to the one who sent him what reward will he turn over?

The merchant has been generous. He has sold beautiful, expensive, rare, lasting, and precious things to an unworthy and impoverished rabble. How could the salesmen be so greedy? How could the salesman be so stupid? What possible use is he to those he was sent to help? And how will the salesman be received by the one who sent him.  

No. I am of the unworthy and impoverished rabble. Let me receive the things that belong to me. Let me work with my hands, as the example of the Apostle Paul shows us.  

The last thought this:

When I offer the pure things of my Master, the impoverished rabble will pass me by. Even this is profit to my Master. What then, is the payment for the things he offers so freely? And how grotesque to receive money and praise for such work done?