The Fullness

The Wisdom of God among men is that they should have faith.  The miracle among men, from God, is that there are many who do have faith.  The Faith from God believes (with a certainty) that Jesus is the Christ of God.  The Faith from God among men believes that Jesus is risen from the dead, for death had nothing with which to hold him.  And The Faith does more than remember that history was made.  The Faith becomes the Love of God, which is the Holy Will of the Father in all creation.

Yet Love does not appear without dressings.  Fear of God, knowledge of the Holy Word he sustains among us, right assessment of the fruit of men, and that specific “doing” that comes only from the power of the Holy Spirit among and within us.  With the appearance of these things within us, we can define the Love of God.  Yet our definition of the Love of God is limited to the wisdom of God to send his knowledge among men.

There is a fullness in heaven, regarding what is revealed of the nature of God.  There is a fullness on earth, regarding what is revealed of the nature of God.  In heaven, the fullness of revelation is embraced without question or reserve.  But on earth, the fullness of revelation of the Love of God is restricted by our willingness to believe to the “doing”.

Who, then, of men, are willing to throw off restriction?  Who, among men, are willing to embrace the fullness of God’s wisdom of revelation to Man?  Who, among men, finds the will to “Become”?

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