

What is the pride of man?  In his darkened reasoning even he admits that he is once removed from animals.   Yet, because he has learned to chip stone to make tools, he says he is respectable and vitally important.

And if he is once removed from animals, which direction has he removed himself?  Even animals allow one another to thrive.  The spider does not covet all food.  The Lion does not lay claim to what it cannot gain.  Has man been boasting that he is less and worse than animals?  Where is the pride of man?

If man would cast out greed he might equal “animal”.  But to become what man thinks he is requires godly attributes.  But how will that ever happen?  Man’s pride denies his dependence on God.  Truly man without God is merely one step removed from dirt.

That Many! Really?

This is a symbol intended to encompass polyamo...

This is a symbol intended to encompass polyamory, skepticism, and atheism. There are several symbols for atheists and many symbols for polyamory, but no other symbols for skepticism. Also, there are many different groups and symbols for the intersection of polyamory and spirituality/religion, but only one for poly atheists. Many atheists are also not skeptics and vice versa, so a symbol for all three was created for that niche group of polyamorous people who are both skeptics and atheists. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Atheists comprised an estimated 2.01% of the population.    US Population 316,668,567.    That’s 6365038.1967 who don’t believe there’s a God.  Likely?


Under times when there’s no threat to their life or livelihood, that’s a pretty fair number.  But add something into the social fabric where peace is seriously threatened and I’d bet that number would dissipate quickly.

While You Slept (a prayer for help)

While you slept I could not.  But my waking was not as it is in the city that never sleeps.  For there they plot to maintain their wealth.  There they plot to cheat, murder, rape, and gain what does not satisfy.  Their waking is to flesh.  Not so with mine.

My heart has heard the warning of demise.  The words come from Holy lips.  But the sound is softer than the landing of a feather.  It is a whisper.  Yet the gravity of their sum is like the sounding of a cannon.  So I do not sleep.

Perhaps to pray, a sufficient response and expected.  But does prayer require bent knee?   How, then, could we obey what is spoken to us, “pray without ceasing” ?   No.  Prayer is here with you now as you read this.  Our hearts are bent together in unified terror for the losses most certainly to come.  As reeds in a wind storm, let our hearts bend toward The Holy Throne.

This I will offer.  “Amen” if you agree.  Then, if the burden finds root in your soul also, leave your own words to Him here that we might mutually agree.

“O’ Holy Father in heaven,  Yours is might of might.  It is said of Your Holy Son that He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  So it is.  For this He is worthy.  For He is the exact representation of You, His Father.  What we see in Him is that of You.

You teach us to love as You love Your Son.  So be it!  This is good and right.   You teach us to care for the weak.  We watch You raise up help for all men in need.  You show us how to be kind to our enemies, for we witness how you provide food, clothing, shelter and strength to those who abhor Your Holy ways.  We witness these things and stand in awe Your Majestic heart.

Father, our nation is willingly killing itself.  Your people are to blame.  We shut up Your perfect words behind closed doors on Sunday morning.  We said little or nothing as the nation around us began to decay.   Now, You have allowed liars to lead us the rest of the way to destruction.  We did not keep Your word.  We counted Your mercy as if You would shelter our sin.  May that NEVER be!

Now, I present these words of truth to You and all who will read them.  We ask that we be shown if there is anything that can be done to save this place from what is beginning to take shape.

“Horror approaches.  Godless days among the godless!”


You rightfully ask, “Do you love Me more than these”.  Yet when asked if fire should be called down on the wicked, we were told we do not know the God we serve.

Holy Father, You are mercy!   Kick Your people awake as was done to Peter.  Open the steel bars over our sleep encrusted eyes.  Show us our sin and folly.  We have neglected what is our duty before You.

Lord, You are tender.  Your touch is life and precious.  Please touch us.  Your name is Jesus.  You are the God who saves.  We ask, humbly and with understanding, please wake us.

By Your Grace.  Amen.

Just be happy!

Smiley head happy

Smiley head happy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I see people celebrate situations in life.  I am told I should be happy for them.   And I know that often people are irritated that they must remind me to be happy for others.

Should I lie and say I am happy because you bought a new car?   Should I lie and say I am happy that you have a new boyfriend?  Should I lie and say I am pleased that you are near retirement and I know you will have a good time?  Should I lie about the hundreds of things people experience in this world?

Where has the joy of the Lord been, as we celebrate life?  Where has the celebration been because we share the joy of salvation together?  Where has been the delight in God’s law between us?  It was never good and pleasant between us as we climbed the steps to his temple.  How can I be pleased for you in the things of this world when you are not busily acquiring the things of Eternity?

I fear you will die being perfectly pleased with your life on this earth.  They will all speak well of you, and they will recount the wonderous times of joy you had together.  But I will find no joy in your passing.  For you made no attempt to be at peace with the God you have gone to meet.

A private matter or something else?

Most people think religion is a private matter.  They don’t want anyone to talk to them about it.  And they’re certainly not going to open the subject themselves.  “What is between me and God is between me and God”.

I suspect that what is between you and God is that you are ashamed of his son among men.  It could be a lack of education about God.  But one with think that asking questions is more in line with that excuse; learning if you will.