The Temple

How the relentless wind blows; chilling the bones and securing the approaching season’s home.

Plowing the earth for snow’s foundation. The blinding white temple will be built, regardless man’s desire for Spring.

The Gospel blows upon the earth, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful in all its Holy intent; chilling all souls and preparing for the approaching season of eternity.

The plow rips the ground. The foundation of Lovely is established. The blinding white temple will be built, regardless Man’s desire for Spring.

The reason for turmoil is exposed. Who is wise? Who prepares for Winter?

These Days, Your Days

God made the Sun.
God made the rain.

God made the joy
God made the pain.

God made the snow
And the ice
And the cold.

And isn’t the reflection
Found in your soul?

Give praise in the Sun!
Give praise in the rain!
Give praise in the joy,
And all throughout the pain!

One moment passed unveiling,
All will become clear.
Only let the Love of the Sovereign God.
Become your heart’s desire

Even, Jesus!

In the Shelter of his Wing

I wake up before dawn and look out my window at a light dusting of snow.  Out pops a little bird, hopping about in the snowflakes.

Then I wonder, “Where have you slept little one?  Did you sleep among the reeds in the ditch?  Did you forsake the tree limb for the shelter of the reeds?

You would have not perched yourself too deeply within them.  You would have slept in a place where two hops allowed your wings to spread.  You would be no food for the predator.”

And then I wonder.  Where did I sleep?  I slept peacefully under the outstretched wing of the Most High God.  I woke to His Glorious covering.  Lacking fear, I woke only to stretch my bones, and then to pray; even as the little bird sings his song of joy.

Is this how Jesus slept in the boat while the storm raged around him?  Is this how Daniel slept with the Lions, for the weariness of their bodies?  Is this how the Apostle Peter slept so soundly in the jail amidst the soldiers?  Is this how the Prophet Elijah slept alongside the Kerith Ravine, knowing the wings of a bird would feed him in the morning?

Oh how desire rages within this servant to instill these things in my fellow man!  Will you please consider the power of God to sustain your tired soul.  His name is Christ Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man.

By His Grace

Winter 2011

Drifted House

Image by Just Us 3 via Flickr

Those who we regard as “those in the know” say that this winter will be harsh.  The animals seem to agree.  Bugs are more plentiful this spring and summer.  And I felt a tiny bit of stiff water droplets on the porch railing this morning.  Hard winters mean tough times for everyone. 

Add this tidbit of information to the political, financial, and social scenes and you will come away with a sense of foreboding for what might happen this winter.  Gold is soaring upward due to the markets in the world.  Corruption is over running righteousness in the leadership of every organization.  Islam is busy taking over countries which will allow them access to tons of munitions and political clout in the world.  Politically correct speech is demanding an end to the absolute nature of truth.  While investments are losing their value in markedly dynamic free falls, unemployment and foreclosures are continuing to rise. 

This winter poses a serious threat to far more people and families than I’ve ever seen in my life.  Wouldn’t this be the correct time to seek the Lord Jesus?  Wouldn’t it be a great time, this fall, to slam your body to your knees and ask for salvation?  No one boards up a window after the hurricane passes through, in the hopes of keeping the blasting wind out.  Well, not the wise anyway.  Today would be a really great time to seek Jesus.

By His Grace.

Elk Mountain

One day in the dead of winter I came west across I-84 through Cheyenne, Wy. I came up to Elk Mountain pass (a very dangerous and fatal crossing for some). The Lord spoke to me in that tiny whisper of a voice. He told me to sit up in my seat, to tighten my seat belt, to hold the wheel with both hands. With the upcoming mountain and unknown before me, I obeyed gladly. He seemed to say He was about to take me through the pass. Happily, I gave Him my obedience. I’ve only been behind the wheel of this giant hunk of metal for a few months.

We encountered Elk Mountain with all it’s blowing gusts of wind against the trailer and tractor. The snow blowing side ways across the road so that you weren’t sure where the road was. The trailer threatening to leap off the side of the road and take you with it. Looking to the road with the shear ice covering it. Seeing a big rig against the cliff on the other side. Watching other rigs dash side to side as they slipped and were pushed by the wind. All the while, the peace of God was over me with complete calm. He and I meandered through the pass as if in the middle of summer. Down on the other side there was another 100 miles of packed snow on the road. All the way from Larime to Rock Springs we traveled.

On the other side of this chaos the tiny voice came to me again. “I brought you through the wind didn’t I”? I answered, “yes Lord”. I brought you through the drifting and blinding snow didn’t I”? I answered, “yes Lord”. “I brought you over the ice didn’t I”? I answered, “yes Lord”. “Behold, so it will be with you and I. I will take you to my paradise if you will but listen to me”.

And so it has been for me in that GREAT GOD JESUS.

By His Grace.